Elephant Nature Park

When in Chiang Mai, a day at the Elephant Nature Park is an exciting and unforgettable eco-tour for animal lovers. Elephant Nature Park is a rescue and rehabilitation center for abused, elderly, and injured Asian Elephants. What began as a personal quest for Sangduen “Lek” Chailert in 1992 has blossomed into one the world’s most respected elephant sanctuaries. Lek and her team of caretakers, vets, groundskeepers, and volunteers are devoted to ensuring that each rescue elephant lives out the rest of its life in peace and health at the Elephant Nature Park. The herd, currently made up of 30 members, is free to wander the park, bathe and feed at their leisure, as well as interact with park guests.

Visitors will learn about the plight of the Asian Elephant in street begging and logging industry, have the opportunity to observe their natural behavior, feed them, and bathe them in the river. All proceeds from admission go towards feeding the elephants (each one consumes nearly 100 pounds of fresh produce each day!) and general upkeep of the park. This is a fantastic day trip to take with the family or a group of friends. After listening to their stories and witnessing their individual personalities, visitors will come away with a newfound respect for the species, and beautiful memories and photographs.

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